Access for Special Kids (ASK)

Information updated on Thursday, January 19th 2023, 12:04
Family Resource Center
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth
Parent to Parent Support - Information, Referral, Mentoring
Workshops, In-Person Training, Classes
Access for Special Kids (ASK) Family Resource Center is a “one-stop-shop” for children and adults with disabilities and their families. Through its partner organizations, ASK Resource Center provides a broad range of information, dvocacy, support, training, and direct services. These services are all accessible in one building or from one phone call. A single contact can direct individuals or families to the most appropriate services and supports to meet their needs.
“Access for Special Kids” identifies our primary focus; offering information and resources for the benefit of children with disabilities and their families throughout the state of Iowa. Many of our efforts also extend to adults with disabilities and their families.

Through various projects, ASK Resource Center is able to provide Access, Empowerment, and Acceptance for all whom we serve. Various grants fund these projects. You can click the project names to learn more about each project and its funders.

PTI: The goal of PTI (Parent Training and Information) is to help parents, families, and students with disabilities understand their civil rights regarding early intervention services and special education supports so that they can be strong self-advocates in the most effective ways.

F2F: ASK is Iowa’s Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F). F2F provides a central source for families of children and young adults with special health care needs and disabilities to obtain supports, advocacy, and information.  F2F works to enhance access to quality health care and community services.

Dispute Resolution: Families of children with disabilities often need to come to the table with professionals to address planning for their children’s needs. Sometimes there is conflict. Conflict is a natural part of any relationship and can serve to better communication when addressed properly. We focus on building and maintaining solid foundations for relationships, and on providing options to support conflict resolution at the earliest stages possible.

Transition: Planning for the future and setting high expectations for youth with disabilities can be challenging for families. Adult services and supports often look very different than what is available during the school years. The Postsecondary Transition project is designed to help families understand the importance of setting high expectations and to give them the knowledge and skills they need to achieve positive outcomes for their kids.

Together We Can: The Together We Can Conference is an annual conference, which brings families and professionals from across the state of Iowa together for one day in May for a full day of learning and networking.

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