July 8, 2024 1:00 pm to July 26, 2024 4:00 pm

KINDERGARTEN READINESS PROGRAM: Is a Social and emotional skills-based program for early learners ages 4-6 years of age who need additional support with the developmental and behavioral skills necessary for TK, Kindergarten or First grade.

FACILITATORS: Sasha Torres, BCBA and Heather Batalden, LPCC, NCC
(support staff as needed)

Summer Kindergarten Readiness Program is now enrolling participants ages 4-6 years of age who are in-coming or outgoing TK or kindergarten students requiring additional support building positive relationships, increasing social awareness, and practicing age-appropriate learner readiness skills.

KRP participants may struggle in their current preschool or kindergarten with the social and emotional regulation skills necessary to learn in a group of peers. KRP participants may have developmental or sensory needs that limit their functional participation in the pre-academic or academic environment.

The KRP experience provides participants with trained and supportive facilitators to target and fortify early learner skills. Participants will have the opportunity in a small group setting to practice these essential skills before returning back to school. KRP curriculum focuses on joint attention, task initiation and completion, cooperative play, emotional awareness, communication expansion and self-advocacy, motor skills, perspective taking, problem solving and conflict resolution skills.

Wheels of Wellness Behavioral Consulting – https://www.wheelsofwellnessconsulting.com

KRP Brochure – https://netorg365709-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/camp_wheelsofwellnessconsulting_com/EU02IZbYD9tCkF3HmKYAwtIBbNl1_q_m7cMjPMXBhlbT5g?e=SvX3JO

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