November 6, 2023 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Around 144,000 residents of Santa Clara County have a disability. The disability community experiences a number of poorer outcomes compared to the general population. For instance, people with disabilities are twice as likely to live in poverty, with 27% living at poverty level. Studies show that up to 85% of youth in juvenile detention facilities have disabilities, yet only 37% of them receive special education services.

Within the disability population, people of color experience the greatest disparity. In order to serve our most vulnerable populations, systems of care must address the multi-faceted barriers faced by people of color with disabilities.

Join fellow nonprofit leaders, policymakers, advocates, parents, students, and other community members in EXPLORING the interconnected nature of DISABILITY AND RACE and how this relationship impacts EQUITY, in this workshop with national disability and racial justice advocate Keri Gray, featuring opening remarks by Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez.

Through this FREE workshop, participants will gain insights and understanding of the importance of cultivating programs, practices, and organizational culture that are grounded in racial justice, disability justice, and inclusion. Together, we will examine how systemic practices affect members of the disability community and communities of color, as well as discover tangible steps and tools we can take to create more inclusive systems of care, workplaces, and communities.

As CEO of the Keri Gray Consulting Group, LLC, Ms. Gray strives to create professional communities of understanding through disability and racial justice education. She is also founder of the National Alliance of Melanin Disabled Advocates, which creates spaces for disabled leaders of color and BIPOC allies to gather, learn, connect, and grow around racial and disability justice.

REGISTER by October 31st to reserve a seat! Space is limited.

Doors open at 8:45 am for light breakfast and networking.

Spanish interpretation will be available. To RSVP for Spanish interpretation or request other accommodations, please indicate in your registration form by October 23.

For questions, email [email protected].

This event is hosted by Parents Helping Parents as part of San Jose State University’s “Transforming Communities: A Movement to Racial Justice” conference series. Funding for this event is provided by WITH Foundation. Parents Helping Parents’ advocacy work is supported by grants from Santa Clara Family Health Plan and Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

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