The PHP ADHD Support Group is currently on pause. There are many good resources available in Silicon Valley and online. Visit the PHP Resource Directory for even more information.

The Parents Helping Parents ADHD support group is here for you to connect with families who have similar experiences. This is a confidential group where you can share freely. PHP also provides training on important topics related to ADHD.  We record many of them and these can be found in our E-Learning library under ADHD.

Parents Helping Parents Education Specialists can help you advocate for your child with ADD/ADHD in school if you live in Silicon Valley. Call and talk to someone about any questions related to your child and their school program and brainstorm your advocacy options. Or joining the ADHD support group to get first-hand information from other families like yours.

Two good online resources we recommend are:

Other organizations are listed in the “Helpful Information” menu that may be useful to your family.

Jump to your program/region:
CAMPS: Northeast | South | Midwest | Multiple Locations | Canada
SCHOOLS: Northeast | South | Midwest | West | Multiple Locations