Regional Center Client Services

California Regional Centers are non-profit organizations that provide services and support to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Regional centers are funded by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and play a crucial role as individuals transition into adulthood. Service coordinators, or case managers, work closely with individuals and their families to coordinate and monitor services, including housing, employment, and recreational opportunities. 

Housing for individuals with developmental disabilities is perhaps one of the most challenging issues facing families during transition to adulthood and adulthood. Regional centers may provide a variety of supported living options to regional center clients, including:

Regional centers may also help their clients with employment through Supported Employment services, like the Habilitation Services Program (HSP), or Work Services and other employment opportunities, including the Paid Internship Program (PIP). Service coordinators can provide more information on PIPs, or see the DDS PIP Guidelines.  

Beyond the above, regional centers may provide a variety services to their clients, including:

  • Local day programs – community-based programs which are located at a fixed location or varied locations, depending on the structure of the program and the needs of the individual. Some may focus on developing employment skills, others on developing social skills, others on improving behavior, etc.
  • Tailored Day Services (TDS) – an option for regional center clients to get individualized support for achieving their goals and enhancing their independent lives. Please see Want Regional Center Program Flexibility? Try Tailored Day Services to hear about recent policy changes which make the program more accessible to eligible individuals.
  • Self-Determination Program (SDP) – allows participants the opportunity to have more control in developing their service plans and selecting service providers to better meet their individual needs. See Disability Voices United for SDP information and an SDP e-learning library of biweekly SDP presentations, SDP Connect.
  • Social and Recreation Services – coordination and funding for social recreation and camp support is available for regional center clients; these services can be critical for social development and community inclusion during transition to adulthood and beyond.

The person’s Individual Program Plan (IPP) – the document that outlines the individual’s goals and objectives as they move into adulthood and beyond and identifies the supports and services they need to achieve their goals – must include the above services in order for the person to receive them. Specific support services may vary from regional center to regional center, so when in doubt, ask the service coordinator about available services.