Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE)

Information updated on Tuesday, August 8th 2023, 14:03
Research Institute or Funding

Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE)

Founded in 2006, AASPIRE conducts action research focused on improving the lives of autistic adults. We use a Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) approach where autistic and non-autistic scientists and community members work together in all phases of the research process.

– To encourage the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum in matters which directly affect them.
– To include people on the autism spectrum as equal partners in research about the autism spectrum.
– To answer research questions that are considered relevant by the autistic community.
– To use research findings to effect positive change for people on the spectrum.

AASPIRE brings together people from the three communities: the academic community, the autistic community, and the community of people who provide support and services to autistics.

AASPIRE is based at Portland State University, but our team includes academic and community partners from all over the United States, as well as Australia and the United Kingdom. AASPIRE has a long-standing relationship with the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and the Autism Society of Oregon and welcomes collaborations with other community organizations. Our academic collaborators are faculty at a variety of academic institutions, including Oregon Health and Science University, University of California San Francisco, University of Indiana, Syracuse University, RMIT University, University of Portsmouth, Vanderbilt University, San Diego State University, University of Washington, University of Montana Rural Institute, and University of Utah.

Mailing address:
1600 SW 4th Ave Ste 900 Portland, OR 97201