AEFCT – Autism Experts Empowering Families and Children Together

Information updated on Tuesday, October 25th 2022, 11:00
ABA - Behavioral Therapy
Medi-Cal/MediCare Accepted

AEFCT provides high quality services that are structured, comprehensive, and individualized. Our mission is to provide intervention to children with autism, putting the needs of each child first so that they are met fairly and appropriately. We use developmentally sound strategies supported by empirical evidence, combined with a team approach that involves family participation. Autism affects the entire family unit, and we recognize that parent education and participation are essential to achieve success.

  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • BCBA Supervision and Training
  • Parent/Caregiver Training
  • School Staff Training
  • Discrete Trial Teaching
  • Pivotal Response Training
  • Early Intervention
  • Behavior Management
  • Developmental Assessments
  • RBT Training

Funding Sources
Nonpublic Agency (NPA)
AEFCT is certified with the State of California as a Nonpublic Agency or NPA. As a NPA, AEFCT is certified to provide:

Behavior Intervention Including Development and Modification (BID)
Behavior Intervention Implementation of Behavior Modification Plans (BII)

East Bay Regional Center
AEFCT is vendored with East Bay Regional Center. Through their referral and authorization we will provide the following services:

Early Intervention Infant Program (0-3 years)
Intensive Behavior Intervention (over 3 years)

We are an in-network provider of TriCare Health Insurance
Please call the AEFCT office at 858.569.0056 for more information or check the TriCare website for more information regarding your plan

Private Health Insurance Companies
AEFCT is an in-network provider for most major health insurance plans. Most services require a copayment or coinsurance. To find out if your health insurance will pay for services provided by AEFCT please contact our office at (858) 569-0056 or by e-mail at [email protected].

AEFCT is an in-network provider for most major health insurance plans. To find out if your health insurance will pay for services provided by AEFCT please contact our office at (858) 569-0056 or by e-mail at [email protected].