Ariella Goodwine Fisher, MFT

Information updated on Friday, December 23rd 2022, 15:01
Sibling Support
Therapists: Individual Counseling
Therapists: Marriage and Family Counseling

Ariella Goodwine, MFT provides therapy and counseling services on the Peninsula including San Mateo, Belmont & Burlingame

I believe change happens as a result of increased consciousness. Becoming aware of what motivates us, how behavioral and relational patterns have been created in our lives, and the ways we have adapted to life events and circumstances helps us understand more about the way we live and relate. We also come into the world with our own set of unique strengths and vulnerabilities. Gaining insight into this interplay of history and innate qualities helps us gain awareness about the ways we interact with ourselves and others, giving us more opportunity for conscious choice.

In addition to a general practice working with individuals, couples and families, I have some specific areas of specialty.

Specialty Areas
• Family Therapy
• Addiction & Recovery
• Families Living with ADHD
& Learning Disabilities
• Parenting Support
& Coaching
• Adolescents
• Divorce & Co-Parenting
• Living with Genetic
Cancer Risk
• Collaborative Practice
& Divorce Coaching

Families Living with ADHD and Learning Disabilities

Research has shown that the most effective treatment for Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is multimodal.  That is to say, it does take a village to help a family when a child has ADHD, often accompanied by other disorders such as depression and/or anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) or learning disabilities.  Usually, the school is involved, often a doctor is involved and optimally there are therapists on board who have experience with ADHD who can support the child with behavioral interventions and  who can support parents with parent coaching and support.

Children with ADHD respond to  a parenting style that is warm and responsive while also very structured with regard to limits and boundaries.  Implementing this structure in the home with a child whose neurobiology has resulted in an ADHD diagnosis can sometimes present unique challenges for family members.

I work with parents of children with ADHD as well as  siblings and other family members.  I also work with the entire family unit, including the child with ADHD either as part of family therapy/parent coaching in conjunction with the child’s individual behavioral therapist.  In some cases, I will also work as a primary therapist for the child or adolescent with ADHD.

Services Provided