Asian Health Services, Specialty Mental Health Clinic

Information updated on Tuesday, May 30th 2023, 14:08
Hospitals and Clinics
Mental Health/Psychiatric
Therapists: Individual Counseling
Workshops, In-Person Training, Classes

Asian Health Services Specialty Mental Health Program provides: prevention, early intervention, and treatment services for people with mental health conditions. We serve children, youth, adults and older adults of Alameda County. Our staff are bilingual and bicultural in Cantonese, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin, Mien, Vietnamese, and English.

Prevention and Early Intervention Services:

The service model embraces a preventative approach that engages individuals before the development of mental illness, as well as providing services to intervene early to reduce negative mental health symptoms so as to reduce prolonged suffering. Services include: community outreach events and workshops, client and community leader’s consultation, preventative counseling and support groups.

Specialty Mental Health Treatment Services:

Treatment services includes: individual, family therapy, group counseling, case management, and psychiatric care for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults.

Asian Health Services ACCESS Mental Health Services and Referrals:

Asian Health Services ACCESS program is available to all residents of Alameda County seeking specialty mental health services. The phone line offers mental health services and referrals in multi Asian languages.


Keywords: Cantonese, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin, Mien, Vietnamese