Bay Area Behavioral Group (BABG)

Information updated on Thursday, June 15th 2023, 11:04
ABA - Behavioral Therapy
Assessments and Diagnosis
Early Intervention
Medi-Cal/MediCare Accepted
Social Skills Instruction
Speech / Language Therapy
Therapists: Individual Counseling
Therapists: Marriage and Family Counseling

Bay Area Behavioral Group (BABG) is located in Silicon Valley. Our mission is to promote and provide quality Parent Training Programs, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Early Intervention to address symptoms related to Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Intellectual Disabilities and other Neurological Disorders within Santa Clara County, Monterey County, Santa Cruz County and San Benito County.
BABG also offers Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation program through Santa Clara Family Health Plan (SSCFHP) to test and diagnose ages 0-18 years.

BABG’s Early Intervention Program is funded by The State of California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and vendors with San Andreas Regional Center (SARC).

BABG is contracted with the following health insurances:

Santa Clara Family Health Plan

San Andreas Regional Center

Santa Clara County-Valley Health Plan


BABG will work with the following insurances:
United Health Care

Optum Health
Blue Shield of California

Magellan Health

BABG’s Early Intervention program through the regional center is funded by the Early Start Program, which is California’s response to federal legislation ensuring early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities.