Be Not Afraid

Information updated on Thursday, March 16th 2023, 13:57
Parent to Parent Support - Information, Referral, Mentoring
Therapists: Death and Dying

Be Not Afraid (BNA) is a private non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide comprehensive, practical, and peer-based support to parents experiencing a prenatal diagnosis and carrying to term. In addition, BNA encourages development of new services so more parents find support at diagnosis by offering training, consulting and technical assistance as well as materials to other organizations and individuals committed to service development.

First, BNA provides direct service to parents which is comprehensive, practical, and peer-based. This free service focuses on meeting the needs of expectant parents as they seek to honor the life of their baby no matter how frail or how brief. Informed by the ethical teachings of the Catholic Church, BNA serves parents without regard to religious preference.

Be Not Afraid (BNA) is leading a major effort to train and mentor service providers across the country. Because of the workload, BNA is currently unable to accept referrals. BNA’s targeted efforts in support of service development over the next several months will insure that parents experiencing a prenatal diagnosis find comprehensive case management support in the state in which they live.

How We Can Help

Recognizing the often difficult and unique situations faced by parents, we provide individualized support and care.

We provide bereavement support, practical guidance, information, and referrals so that parents understand what is normal, what is possible, and what might be helpful as they carry to term.

Our service is comprehensive, personalized, and delivered by case management support staff and peer volunteers.

We work with parents in the development of a written birth plan, which includes a newborn care plan, so that they understand the decisions they may make regarding labor, birth, and the care of their baby.

We attend births when requested or assist parents in finding appropriate birth support.

We share information on funeral planning, memory-making, and can help with the cost of a funeral if needed.

For parents after birth, we offer on-going contacts for one year, private Facebook communities, and referrals for support as needed.