Beach Center on Disability (University of Kansas)

Information updated on Thursday, February 23rd 2023, 15:25
Disability Awareness and Advocacy
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth
Parent to Parent Support - Information, Referral, Mentoring
Research Institute or Funding

The Beach Center on Disability is a multidisciplinary research and training center committed to making a significant and sustainable positive difference in the quality of life of individuals and families affected by disability and the professionals who support them.

The center focuses research, training, and advocacy on promoting abilities of people of all ages who experience disability, in order to assure a self-determined, goal-driven, and self-selected quality of life within communities where everyone lives.

The Beach Center on Disability, one of 15 centers within Life Span Institute (LSI) at the University of Kansas (KU). Centers located within the Beach Center include Kansas Positive Behavior Support (KIPBS), Transition Coalition, and Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered Models of Prevention (Ci3T), The University of Kansas Transition to Postsecondary Education (KU-TPE). The center also supports Family Employment Awareness Training, Self Determination.

Beach Center Investigators are affiliated with KU’s Department of Special Education, School of Education, but work with a number of other professionals in disciplines such as Psychology, Social Work, Speech and Language, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Occupational Therapy.