Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai

Information updated on Tuesday, February 7th 2023, 14:29
Adult Day Programs
Assessments and Diagnosis
Occupational Therapy
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth
Physical Therapy
Research Institute or Funding
Speech / Language Therapy
Support / Self Help Groups
Therapists: Individual Counseling
Therapists: Marriage and Family Counseling

The Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai (BIRC-MS) investigates cutting-edge solutions for improving both health and quality of life following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since 1987, our research has focused on screening, intervention, and long-term treatment outcomes. Our current research aims to develop and evaluate novel approaches to treatment and to identify factors that impact TBI outcomes.

Patients and Families

In addition to conducting research, the faculty of the Brain Injury Research Center (BIRC) provide a variety of clinical services and support for brain injury patients and their loved ones through the Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Faculty Practice of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. These services include neuropsychological evaluations; cognitive rehabilitation; individual, group, and family therapy; inpatient rehabilitation; a Play Safe Concussion Clinic; and various other rehabilitation therapies. We also facilitate a number of support groups.

Our collaborative group of researchers and clinicians includes rehabilitation psychologists, neuropsychologists, physiatrists, epidemiologists, and biostatisticians. Our clinicians are actively involved in both the clinical and research activities of BIRC, and have specialized expertise working with individuals living with brain injury (e.g. traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury, brain disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions).

Keywords: Brain Injury