Acornhealth (was Breakthrough Behavior)

Information updated on Thursday, May 11th 2023, 11:45
ABA - Behavioral Therapy
Social Skills Instruction

Acorn Health is a standard-setting family of ABA treatment providers

Our behavior analytic professionals develop, apply, and share the latest advances in the science of ABA, always focused on data and outcomes. Acorn Health providers combine proven best practices with pioneering, evidence-based next practices, engaging whole families.

The human brain has a remarkable ability to change and adapt. We work with children of all ages and as young as 18 months. The earlier we create new behaviors and skills, the stronger they are.



Breakthrough Behavior was founded to improve the quality and efficacy of behavior intervention services in the home, clinic and community. We offer comprehensive behavior intervention services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. Our experienced team of behavior analysts and behavior technicians specialize in providing home and community-based applied behavior analysis (ABA) services.


Provide a high-level of comprehensive and effective intervention services to children and families affected with Autism. We focus on research-based interventions and family involvement to produce best possible treatment outcomes.

Breakthrough Behavior provides applied behavior analysis (ABA) services and other treatment to children with autism and developmental disabilities throughout Monterey County, including Monterey, Salinas, Carmel, Castroville, Gonzales, King City, Marina, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, San Ardo and Spreckels and Soledad.


1900 Garden Road, Suite 280

Monterey, California 93940

Breakthrough Behavior provides applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy, speech therapy and psychological testing services to children with autism and related disabilities. Our experienced team of behavior analysts, clinical psychologists and speech pathologists work collaboratively in the school, home and clinic settings to deliver best possible treatment outcomes.

Founded in 2015 by a behavior analyst, Breakthrough Behavior’s mission is to provide meaningful outcomes to individuals with developmental disabilities and we focus on excellence, compassion, innovation and accountability to deliver clinical success to all our patients. Breakthrough Behavior is a proud member of Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP).