Center for Developing Minds

Information updated on Tuesday, June 13th 2023, 11:12
Assessments and Diagnosis
Complex or Severe Support Needs
Developmental Pediatrician
Educational Therapist or Consultant
Executive Function instruction/intervention
Mental Health/Psychiatric
Support / Self Help Groups
Therapists: Individual Counseling
Therapists: Marriage and Family Counseling
Workshops, In-Person Training, Classes

The Center for Developing Minds, created by Damon Korb, M.D., is a specialty clinic in the Silicon Valley devoted to developmental and behavioral pediatrics. The Center for Developing Minds provides care for children and young adults who struggle at home and school due to: 

Behavior issues | Learning difficulties | Attention problems | Social skill deficits
Autism spectrum disorders | Developmental delays | Psychological disorders

Clinicians at the Center for Developing Minds specialize in uncovering subtle variations in every child’s cognitive abilities, which, if left untreated, can lead to chronic frustration and unnecessary struggles. How a child reads, runs and relates to others hinges on a delicate balance of functions of the brain, such as memory, attention and language. When properly identified, weaknesses in these areas can be strengthened or accommodations can be made that allow the child to achieve to his or her potential. 

Services at the Center for Developing Minds
The Center for Developing Minds (CDM) offers a wide array of assessments and services to address the educational, behavioral and developmental needs of children and their families. Clinicians at the CDM craft their understanding of a child’s neurodevelopmental functions based on focused behavioral observations of the child, developmental screenings and skilled interviews of both the child and his/her family. We create individual treatment plans that may encompass medical, behavioral and educational accommodations and therapies.
Given that every child is unique, the evaluation that we provide is tailored specifically for each child. Our office manager will assist in scheduling the most appropriate assessment for your child. Frequently, families participate in an introductory 90-minute session with one of the behavioral and developmental pediatricians, who will determine if specific follow-up testing would be beneficial.
Services at CDM

Programs at CDM:

Danny Arias, M.A. -Personal Counselor, Performance Coach, Executive Function Strategist

Cassandra Korbfort, M.S.Ed – Child Development Specialist

Rachel Gilbert, M.A. -Educational Specialist

Cassandra Harms, M.A., LMFT -Marriage and Family Therapist

Shiwani Juneja, MSN, FNP-C -Family Nurse Practitioner

Damon Korb, M.D.
Clinic Director & Founder
Behavioral & Developmental Pediatrician, F.A.A.P.

Caitlyn McGinley, M.A. -Educational Specialist

Joyia Moeller, M.A., LEP -Licensed Educational Psychologist

Jennifer Rich, M.S., LMFT -Marriage and Family Therapist

Julie Tucker, M.A., LMFT -Marriage and Family Therapist

Lettie Villavicencio, M.A., LMFT -Marriage and Family Therapist

Randy Yates, M.A., LEP -Licensed Educational Psychologist