Fast Forward College Coaching

Information updated on Tuesday, August 15th 2023, 13:10
Executive Function instruction/intervention
Social Skills Instruction

College Coaching For Success

Guiding students to – and through – college by providing accountability, time management, organization and self-advocacy support

New College Students with Learning Disabilities

We provides expert support as your student begins their freshman year of college. Often beginning 2 weeks before the semester starts, students will be guided by a professional who prepares them for the academic and executive functioning issues and challenges they may encounter. Conversations about self-awareness, learning styles and the accommodation process help students to identify academic and accessibility supports on their campus that can support their learning disability.

Social Skills

We know that the transition to college is a big step for your son or daughter. They will be managing not only academics – but making friends, possibly living with a roommate, joining clubs, seeking help on campus, and communicating with their professors. In college, your child will be expected to connect appropriately with peers their age and campus staff, too. You might be nervous about your child’s ability to navigate socially. We get it.

We also understand that students with anxiety, NVLD, or autism may face unique challenges in developing these skills. But rest assured, we are here to support and guide your child every step of the way. Together, we can help them thrive both academically and socially in their college experience.