Focus Collegiate

Information updated on Tuesday, August 15th 2023, 13:23
Executive Function instruction/intervention
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth

Focus Collegiate supports college students with unique learning profiles in the areas of academic independence, executive functioning, life balance, motivation & decision-making and social integration while they are on campus or virtually. We help students transition to independence using their college experience as a metaphor for life. We promote student success both in the classroom and beyond.

Welcome to Collegiate Virtual.
Individualized virtual college support everywhere you need it. Now is the time; wherever you are is the place.

Effective self-advocacy, as well as self-determination, results in success for college students with unique learning profiles.
From the National Center for Learning Disabilities
Undergraduates who disclose their learning profile often have trouble accessing the kinds of services and supports they received in high school.
Colleges vary greatly in their eligibility determinations in relation to learning differences and are often far more restrictive than high schools in granting accommodations.
In an unpublished survey, 45% of parents whose children were seeking college accommodations said it was difficult to find information about accessibility services in college.
Studies of disclosure rates indicate there are many reasons why students who were identified in high school don’t tell their college they have a learning difference [including] Not knowing what kinds of services are available in college or how to access them. Also, underestimating how important accommodations are to their academic success.