Hertog Education Law, PC

Information updated on Thursday, June 29th 2023, 10:48
Advocate-School District, Regional Center, Insurance
Legal - Lawyers, paralegals, self-help

Allison Hertog is a nationally-known attorney for special needs students in public school. Her experience as a special education teacher and specialty in behavior management set her apart from other attorneys in the field. Takes due process suits against school districts on contingency.

We were deeply inspired to enter this field by childhood personal experiences.  Allison Hertog Esq. was retained in the second grade due to reading problems.  Her parents were told she would never go to college!

Allison Hertog comes to the fields of special education and disability law with a highly unique background. She is one of only a handful of lawyers in the country who holds a Masters degree in special education. Being a former teacher allows Ms. Hertog to see things from both sides of the school table – that makes meetings and litigation go more smoothly and successfully.