Law Office of Jennifer S. Chang

Information updated on Thursday, May 11th 2023, 11:27
Advocate-School District, Regional Center, Insurance
Financial Support
Legal - Lawyers, paralegals, self-help

I am a special education attorney helping families navigate their children’s special education needs against the school district. I have offices in Los Angeles, Buena Park and San Jose. I am able to assist Korean and Spanish speaking families.

Ms. Jennifer Chang’s primary practice of law is in special education and related educational issues, including, but not limited to, bullying, suspensions and expulsions. Ms. Chang works vigorously to protect student’s rights to a free and appropriate education (FAPE) under both federal and state laws, such as the IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the ADA. If the student is eligible to receive special education, and the student is not receiving the appropriate services or accommodations, or is being denied of services, Ms. Chang will advocate for the student and the parent. Ms. Chang further represents students against private school for various disciplinary issues.

Office Locations

Los Angeles Office
915 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1775
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (323) 931-5270

Buena Park Office
6281 Beach Blvd., Ste. 312
Buena Park, CA 90621

San Jose Office
84 W. Santa Clara St., Ste. 790
San Jose, CA 95113

Keywords: Spanish, Korean

Listed on state website here as providing free or low cost services.