Law Offices of Valerie J Mulhollen

Information updated on Tuesday, July 26th 2022, 12:29
Advocate-School District, Regional Center, Insurance
Legal - Lawyers, paralegals, self-help
I provide legal representation to students with special needs to get the placement and services they need from the School District and Mental Health to obtain a free and appropriate education under the IDEA and Section 504. Consult, IEP meetings, Settlement/mediation, Due Process Hearings, State and Federal Court, and the Ninth Circuit.
Previous experience as advocate for 2 years and special education teacher for over 10 years for students with Emotional Disturbance (primarily Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Agoraphobia) co-morbid with Autism, Deafness, LD, or ADHD.
BS- Elementary and Special Education 1981, MS- Emotional Disturbance/Autism 1988, JD-2001.
The large majority of my cases are resolved at the IEP level or settlement/mediation because time is of the essence for students with special needs.