RDI Connect

Information updated on Tuesday, November 8th 2022, 14:13
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth
Online Social Network


Support, education, resources, community, and parent training for autistic children, teens, adults and their families.

The RDIconnect® Online Learning Community is a place where parents and professionals from all over the world can come together to help each navigate autism at all stages of life.

Features directory of RDI practitioners/consultants:

RDI® Certified Program Consultants

Find a Consultant

Below is a list of professionals who have attained the status of Certified Consultant in the Family Consultation Program and consultants who are currently in training. These professionals come from a variety of backgrounds and specialties and act as facilitator and primary guide to parents as they navigate the program and identify and overcome obstacles. RDI® consultants complete a rigorous training program and currently available in 26 countries worldwide.

keywords: relationship development intervention