Santa Clara Kids Therapy

Information updated on Thursday, April 6th 2023, 13:25
Assessments and Diagnosis
Occupational Therapy
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth

We provide occupational therapy services in the home, over telehealth, and in clinic with kids to help them develop their abilities. We work with kids with neurodevelopmental diagnoses such as autism and ADHD, or any kids to grow to their full potential!

Occupational therapy helps children engage in the purposeful activities in their daily life: play, self-care, and school.

1. Intake: We go over your concerns for your child. We will also answer any questions you may have about the process of OT and insurance. Note: California’s autism bill, SB 946, mandates OT coverage for children diagnosed with autism for most insurances.

2. Evaluation: We assess the strengths and needs of your child in the following skill sets using standardized assessments:

Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Sensory Processing
Executive Functioning Skills (Attention, Emotional Self-Regulation, Sequencing Multistep Activities)
Self-Care Skills
Social Skills​

3. Intervention: We work on areas of need using a developmental just-right challenge and play-based approach.

We your child develop all of these necessary skills by playing at the just-right challenge level. The not too easy, not too difficult level of challenge is where children learn the most, and grow the quickest. We use interventions that are fun, play-based, and intrinsically motivating to help your child grow into his or her potential.