Sensory World

Information updated on Thursday, June 29th 2023, 10:21
Libraries, Books, Magazines
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth
Sensory Integration

The World Leader for Sensory Resources and Products


Ever since my little brother was diagnosed with autism, I have been very aware of, and interested in, how different people are affected by their senses. Our parent company, Future Horizons, continues to bring the best the world has to offer in autism resources. Now, with Sensory World, we can focus on sensory issues, which affect most people with autism, and many with ADD/ADHD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, OCD, and even us “neurotypicals.”

—Jennifer Gilpin Yacio
Sensory Focus, LLC


Sensory World is proud to bring you the largest collection of sensory related books, CDs, and DVDs available for your use and education and informative conferences across the nation. With the help of experts like Carol Kranowitz, Britt Collins, and Dr. Temple Grandin, more and more people are becoming aware of how Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) might affect any one of us, and more importantly, how to help overcome whatever challenges each person might face.