Special Cubs

Information updated on Thursday, November 3rd 2022, 11:20
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth

Our Mission:

To provide meaningful information on K-12 schools for special education in the US.

Our Story:

I am Sanchita, proud mom of an autistic child. Few years ago when we found out that our child has autism, it was a soul crushing moment for us. Along with the diagnosis came all sorts of questions, fear and unpredictability. Among others, one big factor was, and still is, the school. We moved between school districts and different schools within a school district to find the right class, teacher and support for our child.

The current public school ratings widely found, is on a scale of 1 to 10 and says nothing about special education. Also not every school or school district provides special education as it depends on various factors. In search of a good school that suits our child’s needs, we realized that there is not one place where we can find information and insights about a K-12 school, who caters to special education. That is when the concept of SpecialCubs was born.

How are we doing it:

We are using government published data on schools as the basic building block and expecting to build a community of parents/caregivers of special needs kids by sharing their knowledge and their experiences with their local schools. We encourage everyone who relates to this community to share their invaluable insights about their local schools. This will help anyone who is starting this journey or is already in the middle of the process with their special child.

Our Vision:

With the help of the community, we will expand this platform to serve as a one stop shop to look for services who catered to this community. We are looking for local businesses who provide essential services such as Speech Therapy, ABA, OT, Tutors, Dentists, Lawyers etc. to apply to have a listing on our platform.

Our Belief:

Perfection is a continuous process. We greatly appreciate any constructive feedback and feature requests that can help us serve the community better through this platform, please do let us know [email protected].