Your Special Child Development Center – YSCDC

Information updated on Thursday, September 28th 2023, 13:04
ABA - Behavioral Therapy
After School Care - Children
Parent to Parent Support - Information, Referral, Mentoring

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to empower both the parents and their child on the spectrum of Autism  with tools, leadership, advocacy and support. Our goal is to foster  lifelong education and learning for all our students throughout their years of schooling and also simultaneously advancing their ability to navigate “normally” in the society and therefore, improving their job skills and enhancing the quality of their lives.

Family Partnership

The family partnership process begins during the first point of contact with families where we would identify what the autistic children needs are and how our programs can best fit their family situation. Through the availability of bilingual languages in our staff, Y.S.C.D.C supports the parent’s role as the primary advocate for their child’s education and we would provide many opportunities throughout the year through parent and staff interaction.

If you or your child have any preexisting goals established with another agency ( example: Workforce Services, Children and Family services or through a local Education agency), please let us know. Our goal is to assist you in achieving goals already identified or support you in attaining new family goals. Please ask our staff for more information.

Y.S.C.D.C would work in close partnership with several children and family services in a wide number of service areas such as: mental health, nutrition support and education programs, disabilities support services agencies, local food banks, financial literacy education and asset development programs. Our staff would help and connect families to as much resources as needed. Also, during family crisis, our staff would support and obtain emergency aids such as food, clothing and etc. for their adequate comfort.


YSCDC and its educational programs serve eligible students with IEP’s from five to twenty one, and their families. Eligibility is determined by various factors based on specific program being considered. Eligibility factors may include, but are not limited to the child’s age, family income, parental employment status, housing situation, and school location.

 We are Now Open in Solano County !

Serving Vallejo CA.

(510) 239-7232

keywords: spanish