March 5, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Though it isn’t necessary to develop an actual transition plan and provide “services” for youth with disabilities in elementary school, self-determination and self-advocacy skills can be developed from a very early age. If you have a little one – or a “big” little one in elementary school – please consider joining us.

Preparing for transition to adulthood can include teaching self-advocacy skills early and often, promoting high expectations and career awareness for our children, and educating ourselves as to how to encourage our children to become confident learners – knowing how to ask for help when they need it.

Please join Robynn Gualtiere, San Jacinto Unified School District Transition Specialist, and WorkAbility 1 State Advisory Alternate Chair, will discuss:

  • Brief history of IDEA’s (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) transition services
  • Parent involvement in the transition process – starting from an early age
  • Importance of teaching self-advocacy skills to our children and encouraging their participation in their IEP meetings
  • How to promote career awareness and high expectations for our children

This webinar will provide live Spanish interpretation.

This is a Connections California event. Connections California is a project of Parents Helping Parents – Silicon Valley.
#CCA #getanearlystart
