February 1, 2023 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

In this 8-week series, we will look at those unique emotions tied to caregiving. While we can’t turn back the clock to the time before this reality became front and center in our lives, we can look at ways to grieve well, manage time and expectations, engage in self-care, and share the load of the journey. When we take care of these emotions, we create a path to reduce overwhelm and avoid the second-guessing and isolation that leads to caregiver stress-related fatigue and distress.

Week Five:  Primary Caregiver Emotions:  Guilt, Doubt, and Confusion
-I should have/should not have done…
-I should have said/not said…
-I wish I knew what to say/do…

The group is facilitated by Laura Beth DeHority, LMFT, parent to special needs young adults, and former corporate communicator. Her goal is to establish practical skills to lower parental stress in a time period unlike any other.

This program is funded by The County of Santa Clara and El Camino Healthcare District.


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