Parenting can be joyful, stressful, uplifting, and frustrating – all in one day (hour?!).
The journey to, through, and beyond a disability diagnosis in the early years of your child’s life can make the parenting experience all the more intense. Join an intimate circle of fellow travelers for sharing, listening, and supporting each other with practical advice. The Early Years Support Group is for parents who have children between the ages of 2-8 with any disability.
Facilitated by Maria, an elementary school teacher and mom. The group is compassion-based and for anyone interested in meeting others sharing the journey of parenting a child with a disability. Join us!
- Who should attend: Parents/caregivers. No observers, please.*
- When is the group: Every other Monday from 8:30-9:30 PM
- Online meetings: via Zoom
- Cost: Free
- Registration: Zoom Registration is required for each meeting. The links are on the PHP event calendar.
* PHP Support Groups are for parents/caregivers only. No observers please due to the sensitive nature of sharing by participants.
Connect with Parents Helping Parents to access important information and services!
– Parent of a child 0-3 with special needs and live in Santa Clara County? A great first step is to connect with PHP’s Early Start team. They are available Monday-Friday from 9-4. Email or call the PHP offices, [email protected] or 408-727-5775. Ask for an Early Start specialist to return your call.
– Parent of a school-aged child with a disability and living in one of these counties: Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito? Our Education and Family Service specialists are here to help. Give us a call to talk about anything related to school/education issues, accessing public benefits, assistive technology needs, and anything disability-related.
Note – Any parent/primary caregiver may attend this meeting regardless of where you live. If you need individual help and live outside Silicon Valley, email us at [email protected] and we will direct you to an agency in your area for help.