When you learn to speak AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), it’s like learning a whole new language! For your loved one using a device and for YOU, their caregiver! Learning together, as communication partners, is an approach we like to call “Model as a Master Pal.”

“Model as a Master Pal” is a set of strategies created to help you learn to speak AAC. Model as a Master Pal is targeted at the communication partners of those who use an augmentative and alternative communication tool, or AAC.

The Master Pal framework was created for the school environment by Communication AACtualized, LLC to help teachers and classroom aides be better communication partners for students who use AAC.

We created parent-friendly videos based on Master Pal strategies to help parents learn to be better communication partners with their child who uses AAC.

The videos below review several strategies that anyone can use with any AAC user to be a better communication partner. These strategies work:

  • With any person, regardless of their age or disability
  • Regardless of the type of AAC tool or device being used
  • For paper-based tools, iPad apps for communication, and dedicated communication devices

Each video explains unique strategies on how to learn to speak AAC.; More information is at the end of each video.

Video #1 focuses on: Modeling and Time for Language Development and Growth

Video #2 focuses on: Presuming Potential, Motivation, Accepting All Forms of Communication, Statements More Than Questions, and Response is Not Required

Video #3 focuses on: Wait Time, Appropriate Prompting, Letting the Child Lead, and Engage Naturally

Learn more about Assistive Technology in the PHP E-Learning Library. These videos are funded through a grant from: